GWAR Frontman Interviewed On FULL METAL JACKIE's Radio Show (Audio)

December 3, 2012

GWAR frontman Oderus Urungus was interviewed on the November 23-25 edition of Full Metal Jackie's nationally syndicated radio show. You can now listen to the chat using the audio player below.

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Interview (audio):

Full Metal Jackie: The 2012 presidential campaign was obviously heated. What aspect of the campaign trail was so absurd that some sort of GWAR lampooning needed to happen?

Oderus: Um, well basically, both of their existences — the fact that they settled their disputes with gladiatorial combat and they both have to die innocent, but we can't come across as having any side. It's all this pointy, spikey, bloody burning wheel of death. They both end up on it but we do kill Mitt [Romney] first. I think that says something.

Full Metal Jackie: How has [new guitarist] Pustulus Maximus acclimated himself and settled into the band?

Oderus: Quite well; he moved right on in, as it were. Actually, Santa Ana was the first anniversary of Flattus' returning to the stars and it could have easily bid us a morbid, gloomy affair, but instead it was a true celebration and we turned a corner on a year that was a journey through a dark valley, but then again the female vagina is also a dark valley and there's much pleasure to be had in that. So it's a good thing. He's doing the impossible now, hasn't he? He's filled the shoes of one of the greatest rubber monster guitar players ever lived, damn it. Even the non-rubber monster guitar player, and there's not a day that goes by where we don't remember Flattus but Pustulus full of piss and vinegar and acne has truly carved out his swarth in GWAR and the fans seemed to have accepted it. It's going very well.

Full Metal Jackie: It's been a couple of years since "Bloody Pit Of Horror", so what are the plans for the next GWAR album?

Oderus: Well, we're already deep into it.

Full Metal Jackie: That's what she said.

Oderus: That's what she said… That's what she said to the bishop. But that is something we've been doing all year. Of course, we were searching for a new guitar player that took a lot of time. A lot of the Maximus clan, it took them many months to reach the planet in order to lay down tracks for the records and these guys with their gigantic space battle barges, these things, they are not death stars but they are big. You know you'd think in Antartica, all the ice planes everywhere, that you could park these things without running into each other. But we just had terrible parking problems and then we found out the penguins were getting high, so we had to get, we migrated workers from South America to come down and then the penguins were like "labor strike!" and then there was just open warfare between the Mexicans and the penguins and I believe Mexico is actually at war with Antartica right now or at least the penguins of Antartica. But I digress. In fact, I can't even remember what the question was. Oh, the new album. Yes, so we've been hard at work on it. We have about… pretty much the whole album is written. The only bad part about it is after this tour is over we have to go back and remember them all. We wrote them and we recorded them so we're pretty sure if we play them we can figure out how to play them again.

Full Metal Jackie: I do have a question for you, non-GWAR-related. Hurricane Sandy obviously devastated the East Coast.

Oderus: Yes. Mother Nature is no fan of the Jersey shore.

Full Metal Jackie: Being on tour while such a catastrophic event was happening back home, how tough was that?

Oderus: Oh, it wasn't tough at all. As a matter of fact, we think that a grave misjustice has been done. Everyone's throwing these reliefs and benefits for the victims of Hurricane Sandy and what about poor Hurricane Sandy? I mean, she came onto land and then she began to break up. She lost strength and soon she was no more. What about Sandy? Who is holding a benefit for her? GWAR is — that's who! I mean, if you don't want me to feel sorry for these things, don't give them names!

Full Metal Jackie: I hadn't thought about that, actually.

Oderus: Yes, you hadn't thought about that! Bruce Springsteen wrote very prophetically a song all about living on the Eastern shore, all about the Jersey shore and I think this was Mother Nature's revenge for writing such an awful song.

Full Metal Jackie: Thanks a lot, Bruce!

Oderus: Thanks, Bruce. Thanks Snooki; you didn't help any either.

Full Metal Jackie: Thank you, as always, for the "Mad Minute" and for being you, sir.

Oderus: Keep 'em coming. We had plans for an Oderus "Spoken Turd" album, but we decided to put that back until a new album had come out. I've definitely been honing my abilities through your show and it'll come out. So I think the new album about halfway through next year and the "Spoken Turd" album will be sometime after that. Just wrapped the second season of "Holliston". A lot of stuff going on, so it's going to be a really big year for GWAR.

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